Saturday, August 18, 2007

..[ night three ].. I am here because DOC is refusing to approve my housing.

Night three is pretty mundane. Some guy who played a decent guitar, like I am the expert, so I meditated.

Towards the latter part of the night a worker who saw me here for the last few days and started asking me questions. I told him the important stuff: I am here because DOC is refusing to approve my housing.

He told me and showed me all the things he had tucked away in his travel bag as a homeless advocate. He was a long distance athlete who ran over 1500 miles for a fund raiser. Quit impressive. He wanted me to help him with a small letter to spread the word to people who might be interested in helping him raise funds for a mammoth run to raise homeless awareness.

"Arthur C. McNeil, homeless runner and activist is requesting your participation. Mr. McNeal once a prisoner to his own addiction for crack cocaine, and now a brother of Christ, in 1992 was successful in helping raise money for homeless centers from Windsor, Canada to Galveston, Texas. The 1,500 mile bike and run gained national attention and his dedication to helping the homeless since then has been unwavering. His arduous discipline in running and with God's strength has helped him overcome transgressions and has brought him great satisfaction in helping his fellow Christian brothers and sisters.

Fifteen years after his first run, McNeil is interested in developing both the ability to help Christian organization who provide financial support for homeless families and their children, and is seeking to develop a run to do meet those ends. His current goal is work with organizations who have their goal to end homelessness.

Currently, working with the homeless in Seattle, Washington at the Union Gospel Mission(UGM) and by his own testimonials and volunteer work, he continues to work with helping people living on the streets. His ministry has been to help thousands of people and to give direction on how to beat their own addictions, and would like to see if your organization an or seeks a way he can lend his unique experiences and ability to pound-the-streets to raise money or raise awareness by speaking to your organization about my experiences."

Hm, lots of work yet needs to be done but after a long day, sleep is high priority. After all, homelessness is hard work.


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